Where Do I Get Help for Alcohol Abuse

where do i get help for alcohol abuse

Problem drinking can creep up slowly. In fact, what might have started off as a timely intervention for managing stress, say with a cocktail after work, can surprise you when you suddenly realize that your single cocktail has slowly multiplied into several. This can happen as the body becomes more tolerant of the presence of […]

Soma Addiction Withdrawal Symptoms

It’s the same old story. Soma is yet another prescription medication that was said to be safe and non-habit forming…until it was discovered that it is indeed prone to abuse and addiction. Soma is a popular muscle relaxant that is prescribed for relieving pain associated with muscle injuries, such as sprains or strains, and is, […]

Managing the Effects of Coming Off Alcohol with Residential Detox

If only there was a way to magically bypass the detox and withdrawal phase of recovery. But until some brilliant inventor creates a magic pill that can allow a person to leapfrog over the suffering of detox, there is the detox, an absolute necessity when alcohol is the substance involved. It is widely understood that […]

What Are the Withdrawal Symptoms of Buprenorphine?

Buprenorphine Withdrawal Buprenorphine can be a lifesaver for individuals recovering from an opioid addiction or dependency. This medication helps to block the effects of opioids, allowing for a gradual reduction in cravings to return to the drug. Meanwhile, the individual has more time to adjust to a life of sobriety and solidify recovery. Some detox […]

Telemental Health in California

If you are struggling with signs of a mental health issue, or if substance use has ramped up, you are not alone. The stay-at-home orders are impacting our mental or behavioral health in a big way, even the most “stable” among us. Results of a recent Kaiser Family Foundation poll reported that 45% of Americans […]

LGBT Friendly Treatment Centers

lgbt treatment centers

Individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender have unique life issues related to their gender identification. Many still, even in our modern society, face open hostility or discrimination on a daily basis. Many who identify as LGBT encounter roadblocks in their careers, strife in their family relationships, and open contempt in their communities. […]

How to Stop Taking Codeine Safely

Who would ever suspect that an innocent bottle of cough syrup could be problematic? But the reality is that contained in that prescription cough medication is an opioid called codeine. Codeine misuse may start through the legitimate clinical use of the cough suppressant, or it could result from recreation use known on the street as […]

Detox Timeline For Ativan Withdrawal

Detox Timeline For Ativan Withdrawal Ativan (lorazepam) is a benzodiazepine drug that is prescribed primarily for treating anxiety and insomnia. This fast-acting sedative quickly induces a state of calm and deep relaxation by increasing GABA in the brain. Ativan is very effective and well tolerated with few adverse effects, making it a drug that is […]

How Long Does Opiate Withdrawal Last?

Recovery from an opiate addiction or dependency is a multi-phased process that begins with an individual agreeing to get professional help. Whether they arrived at this realization after hitting their bottom, or by being encouraged by loved ones in an intervention doesn’t matter. All that really matters is beginning the recovery journey that will save […]

Dual Diagnosis Alcohol and Depression

A dual diagnosis occurs when an individual is struggling with both a substance use disorder and a coexisting mental wellness disorder. Dual diagnosis is a complex and prevalent condition that impacts about 25% of those with a drug or alcohol addiction, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Wellness Services Administration. Of those, the most […]