Drug Evaluation

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Have you ever told lies to cover up someone else's alcohol or drug use?
Do you ever threaten a loved one with threats such as, "If you don't stop drinking or using drugs, I'll leave you" or "....I'll kick you out"?
Have you been hurt, scared or embarrassed by a drinker's or a drug addict's behavior?
Do you feel like a failure because you can't control the drinking or drug use of a loved one?
Do you feel angry, confused, scared or depressed most of the time due to a loved one's drug or alcohol problem?
Have you refused social invitations out of fear or anxiety that your loved one's behavior may be unpredictable due to drinking or drugs?
Do you have a loved one who has suddenly lost a lot of weight or sometimes sleeps for days at a time?
Does a loved one get angry or defensive when you discuss the topic of their addiction?
Do you worry about how much or how often someone else drinks or uses drugs?
Total "Yes" selections: 0

If you clicked “Yes” to any of these questions. Your loved one may have a problem with addiction and need professional help. Consider calling our drug and alcohol experts for a more in-depth assessment.
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