Rates of Alcohol Abuse Rising During COVID-19

People are drinking to relieve boredom and stress during the pandemic. It wasn’t shocking at all when news reports emerged last April that alcohol sales had tripled since the lockdowns started. People were afraid of this unknown, unseen invader. No one knew what was around the next corner, or if they would even have a […]

Quitting Alcohol Before It Becomes a Problem

quitting alcohol

Pay Attention to Your Gut If You Think You Have a Drinking Problem How easy it is to be in a state of denial. Your instincts tell you that you are drinking too much, but your brain refuses to accept it. Instead, you continue drinking more than you should, and even lying about it to […]

Alcohol Poisoning Symptoms Next Day and Beyond

What’s the Difference Between a Hangover & Alcohol Poisoning? Understanding the Dangers of Binge Drinking Alcohol poisoning can happen when someone consumes a large amount of alcohol over a short period of time. The college campus has been the scene of many tragic deaths that occurred due to binge drinking. While we may first think […]

Drinking Too Much Alcohol Symptoms

Even if you do not outwardly admit you have an alcohol problem, the nagging voice in your head is trying to get your attention. While it is natural to ignore the warnings that you have been drinking too much alcohol, symptoms of an alcohol use disorder (AUD) are beginning to become obvious. Remaining in denial […]

Where Do I Get Help for Alcohol Abuse

where do i get help for alcohol abuse

Problem drinking can creep up slowly. In fact, what might have started off as a timely intervention for managing stress, say with a cocktail after work, can surprise you when you suddenly realize that your single cocktail has slowly multiplied into several. This can happen as the body becomes more tolerant of the presence of […]

Is Alcohol a Depressant?

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. When alcohol is consumed it has a sedating effect on the body, causing a sense of calm and relaxation. Some of the initial effects of minimal alcohol ingestion are quite pleasant, such as feeling less inhibited or stressed in a social situation. However, as alcohol consumption increases, the […]

Managing the Effects of Coming Off Alcohol with Residential Detox

If only there was a way to magically bypass the detox and withdrawal phase of recovery. But until some brilliant inventor creates a magic pill that can allow a person to leapfrog over the suffering of detox, there is the detox, an absolute necessity when alcohol is the substance involved. It is widely understood that […]

Help With DTs From Drinking Alcohol

Help With DTs From Drinking Alcohol Alcoholism can completely upend a person’s life, as well as negatively impacting the people closest to them. The disease takes on a mind of its own after chemical dependency develops, wiping out any semblance of free will. No matter how desperately someone may desire sobriety, the deeply embedded addiction […]

The Link Between Alcohol and Social Anxiety

When considering what may drive someone to use alcohol as a soothing panacea for managing mental wellness disorders it is helpful to gain a deeper understanding of the connection between social anxiety and alcohol abuse. It isn’t difficult to identify the causal nature of this link, considering the effects of social anxiety on a person. […]

Dual Diagnosis Alcohol and Depression

A dual diagnosis occurs when an individual is struggling with both a substance use disorder and a coexisting mental wellness disorder. Dual diagnosis is a complex and prevalent condition that impacts about 25% of those with a drug or alcohol addiction, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Wellness Services Administration. Of those, the most […]