Eyes of a Heroin Addict

What Does Heroin Eyes Look Like? The eyes tell the story. Just by looking at someone’s eyes you can spot the signs of opiate use. Of all the telltale signs, the eyes reveal the most. The eyes of a heroin addict are quite unique. Someone who uses heroin will present with pinpoint pupils. In addition […]

5 Things You Need to Know About Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Many people who suffer from addiction also suffer from different kinds of mental health disorders. Based on research, over half of the total population of individuals with addiction has a diagnosable mental health concern. In most cases, no one knows which of the two comes first. But, they are strongly linked to each other. One […]

N.A. Meetings and Residential Treatment

na meetings

Attempting to battle drug addiction without treatment and support is like marching up the down escalator. Eventually you will tire of your futile efforts and be carried back down into the addiction. Without professional help and social support there is no way to conquer the demon. To succeed in recovery takes a two-pronged approach. The […]

Relieving Ritalin Withdrawal

Ritalin Withdrawal

Ritalin is a prescription medication used to treat people diagnosed with ADHD or narcolepsy. While it can be highly effective in helping individuals manage the symptoms of these disorders, the drug also has a high potential for abuse. Ritalin, like its cousin Adderall, is a stimulant, and both of these drugs have been significantly misused […]

Where Do I Get Help for Alcohol Abuse

where do i get help for alcohol abuse

Problem drinking can creep up slowly. In fact, what might have started off as a timely intervention for managing stress, say with a cocktail after work, can surprise you when you suddenly realize that your single cocktail has slowly multiplied into several. This can happen as the body becomes more tolerant of the presence of […]

Soma Addiction Withdrawal Symptoms

It’s the same old story. Soma is yet another prescription medication that was said to be safe and non-habit forming…until it was discovered that it is indeed prone to abuse and addiction. Soma is a popular muscle relaxant that is prescribed for relieving pain associated with muscle injuries, such as sprains or strains, and is, […]

Effects of Fentanyl-Laced Heroin

Heroin use began to surge about a decade ago, creeping into just about every nook and cranny of society. Then around 2014 there was a sudden surge in overdose deaths, initially attributed to heroin. Eventually, it became known that this spike in overdoses was due to the effects of fentanyl-laced heroin. Fentanyl is a synthetic […]

Is Alcohol a Depressant?

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. When alcohol is consumed it has a sedating effect on the body, causing a sense of calm and relaxation. Some of the initial effects of minimal alcohol ingestion are quite pleasant, such as feeling less inhibited or stressed in a social situation. However, as alcohol consumption increases, the […]

Managing the Effects of Coming Off Alcohol with Residential Detox

If only there was a way to magically bypass the detox and withdrawal phase of recovery. But until some brilliant inventor creates a magic pill that can allow a person to leapfrog over the suffering of detox, there is the detox, an absolute necessity when alcohol is the substance involved. It is widely understood that […]

What Are the Withdrawal Symptoms of Buprenorphine?

Buprenorphine Withdrawal Buprenorphine can be a lifesaver for individuals recovering from an opioid addiction or dependency. This medication helps to block the effects of opioids, allowing for a gradual reduction in cravings to return to the drug. Meanwhile, the individual has more time to adjust to a life of sobriety and solidify recovery. Some detox […]