Pet-Friendly Rehab center

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There’s no denying the joy of coming home to a wagging tail. Pets offer unconditional love, providing their owners with immense well-being and happiness. One of the toughest challenges when considering residential treatment for a substance use disorder is the thought of leaving a beloved pet behind. The bonds we form with our pets make the idea of being apart from them for an extended period unbearable.

At Ken Seeley Communities, we recognize the significant health and wellness benefits of pet ownership and the helpful role that pets can play in recovery. That’s why we have a pet-friendly policy in our program. Attending rehab is a significant hurdle for many, and allowing clients to bring their pets helps eliminate this barrier.

Benefits of Having Your Pet in Treatment

Going away to treatment can be daunting, but having a pet with you can provide comfort, distraction, and stress relief for those recovering from substance use disorder or mental illnesses. Bringing a pet to rehab offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Better Attitude: It’s hard not to smile at your pet. They bring daily joy, love unconditionally, and never judge. Having your dog or cat can put you in a more positive mindset, which translates to a better attitude toward recovery.
  • Less Stress: Attending a treatment center where you don’t know anyone and aren’t sure what to expect can be stressful. Having your pet with you offers a sense of familiarity, reducing stress in an otherwise unfamiliar environment.
  • Accountability: Bringing your pet to rehab reinforces the concept of being accountable to someone other than yourself. You’ll be responsible for your pet’s care and well-being, which can help build self-confidence through feeding, cleaning, exercising, and grooming.
  • Increased Social Interaction: Pets act as social bridges. Taking your pet outside can lead to more interactions and new friendships.
  • Enhanced Security: Having your pet with you in rehab can make you feel safe and secure. Pets offer emotional and physical security, providing comfort by being a familiar presence.
  • Reduced Loneliness: Loneliness is common in early recovery. The nurturing presence of your loyal pet can alleviate feelings of loneliness, offering a non-human form of social support.

Pet-Friendly Drug Rehab in Palm Springs

You don’t have to choose between treatment and your pet. You can bring your approved pet to Ken Seeley Communities. Our residential facilities are designed to accommodate pets, but you will be the one responsible for feeding and cleaning up after your pet. We ask that all pets are up to date on vaccinations and medical records, have no history of aggression towards other animals or humans, and do not require constant attention that would distract from your recovery.

For more information about our pet policy or any questions about admissions, contact our team today!

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