Stages of Withdrawal From Norco

No one enjoys having to suffer from pain of any kind. So, when a doctor prescribes pain pills like Norco (hydrocodone) the drug is welcomed with open arms. Most patients are able to take this drug for a week or so with no problem. But for others, even two weeks on the drug can lead […]

Barbiturate Overdose Treatment and Recovery

Barbiturates are sedatives that were used before benzos came on the scene. Even though these drugs are not used much now, they still could be used as a drug of abuse. When someone overdoses on these drugs it is a serious health event that requires medical attention. Barbiturate overdose treatment involves swift actions that will […]

Alcohol Poisoning Symptoms Next Day and Beyond

What’s the Difference Between a Hangover & Alcohol Poisoning? Understanding the Dangers of Binge Drinking Alcohol poisoning can happen when someone consumes a large amount of alcohol over a short period of time. The college campus has been the scene of many tragic deaths that occurred due to binge drinking. While we may first think […]

Drinking Too Much Alcohol Symptoms

Even if you do not outwardly admit you have an alcohol problem, the nagging voice in your head is trying to get your attention. While it is natural to ignore the warnings that you have been drinking too much alcohol, symptoms of an alcohol use disorder (AUD) are beginning to become obvious. Remaining in denial […]

Help With DTs From Drinking Alcohol

Help With DTs From Drinking Alcohol Alcoholism can completely upend a person’s life, as well as negatively impacting the people closest to them. The disease takes on a mind of its own after chemical dependency develops, wiping out any semblance of free will. No matter how desperately someone may desire sobriety, the deeply embedded addiction […]

How Long Does Heroin Withdrawal Last?

Wrenching yourself free from the grip of a heroin addiction can seem impossible. Having experienced the suffering of withdrawal symptoms on a regular basis, it may seem like going through the detox process would be unbearable. In fact, anticipating the difficult withdrawal phase of recovery actually deters many from ever seeking help, keeping them stuck […]

What Helps with Prescription Opiate Withdrawal Symptoms?

Getting help for a prescription opiate addiction begins with the detox and withdrawal process. During detoxification the body expels the drug’s residual chemicals while the brain attempts to stabilize in the absence of the drug. Someone anticipating going through this detox process may rightly ask what helps with opiate withdrawal symptoms. After all, during detoxification, […]

Long Term Addiction Treatment Facilities

6 Benefits of a Residential Addiction Treatment Program We humans have been groomed to expect instant results in every facet of our lives. We seek expediency wherever we can find it, whether it’s the highest speed Internet service, the quickest Prime shipments on Amazon, or a swift weight loss program. We want it all, and […]