Fentanyl Withdrawal Timeline

Fentanyl Withdrawal Timeline

Fentanyl is a highly addictive opioid. Get to know what to expect in detox and the fentanyl withdrawal timeline. No other drug is as newsworthy today as fentanyl. This dangerous synthetic opioid has been cited as the cause of a sharp rise in overdose deaths in recent years. Still, many people will abuse this drug […]

Heroin Nod Explained

heroin nod

What Is Nodding Out? One of the effects of using heroin is the heroin nod, or nodding out. Nodding out is a term that describes being in and out of a conscious state after using heroin. The “heroin nod” can come about in a matter of minutes. While in this semi-conscious state the person’s head […]

The Dangers of Skin Abscess from Injecting Heroin

Skin Abscess from Injecting Heroin

Heroin use has risen in great numbers as opiate abuse exploded in recent years. The intense high that people using synthetic opioids enjoyed has driven people to seek out a cheaper option. This is why heroin use has been on the increase of late. Drug use has increased across all regions and classes. Homeless camps […]

Eyes of a Heroin Addict

heroin eyes

What Does Heroin Eyes Look Like? The eyes tell the story. Just by looking at someone’s eyes you can spot the signs of opiate use. Of all the telltale signs, the eyes reveal the most. The eyes of a heroin addict are quite unique. Someone who uses heroin will present with pinpoint pupils. In addition […]

Effects of Fentanyl-Laced Heroin

laced heroin

Heroin use began to surge about a decade ago, creeping into just about every nook and cranny of society. Then around 2014 there was a sudden surge in overdose deaths, initially attributed to heroin. Eventually, it became known that this spike in overdoses was due to the effects of fentanyl-laced heroin. Fentanyl is a synthetic […]

How Long Does Heroin Withdrawal Last?

how long does heroin withdrawal last

Wrenching yourself free from the grip of a heroin addiction can seem impossible. Having experienced the suffering of withdrawal symptoms on a regular basis, it may seem like going through the detox process would be unbearable. In fact, anticipating the difficult withdrawal phase of recovery actually deters many from ever seeking help, keeping them stuck […]